Want to get in touch with us?
Contacting Certus is easy.
During business hours call our Auckland office on 09 365 1205, or Pukekohe office on (09) 237 1191 - (see maps and address below).
For individual broker contact details see our “About Certus” page.
Urgent/After hours Call: 021 639 286 or 021 638 427
Or you can call your insurer directly:
AMP (underwritten by Vero) Call: 0800 800 134
Ando (underwritten by Hollard) Call: (09) 377 1432
NZI (underwritten by IAG) Call: 0800 111 888 or (09) 308 1100
(For other insurers please refer to their website for contact details).
Complaints - Please call us on (09) 365 1413 or email complaints@cibnz.co.nz
We welcome your feedback, and appreciate any opportunity to improve our service. Notifying us of any concerns or complaints you have enables us to do so.
If you make a complaint to us, we will acknowledge your complaint within 24 hours. We will gather from you and record as much information as we can, to best work towards a resolution for you.
Rest assured we will take your complaint seriously, and will investigate fairly and keep you informed of progress. We will respond to you regarding a resolution that is consistent with our company policy and values within 21 days.
If, however, the matter has not been resolved satisfactorily, we will refer you to our appointed independent disputes resolution scheme provider:
Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL) - A Financial Ombudsman Service and Disputes Resolution Scheme
Ph: 0800 347 257 or email: complaints@fscl.org.nz, or visit their website www.fscl.org.nz. FSCL’s service does not cost you anything.